Liquid Sodium Silicate
also known as water glass or sodium silicate, is one of the most widely used chemicals in the industry. This substance has unique properties that make it suitable for various applications. Liquid sodium silicate is available as a clear, viscous, colorless liquid and a semi-transparent liquid with a light color, with its main components being silicon dioxide (SiO2) and sodium hydroxide (Na2O)1.
Features and Applications:
- Chemical Industry: Used as a base material in the production of soap, detergents, and to prevent deposits.
- Construction Industry: Used as an additive in the production of heat-resistant and refractory concrete.
- Textile Industry: Used for bleaching colors.
- Oil Industry: Used in oil well drilling for oil purification.
- Agricultural Industry: Used as a soil improvement agent to increase crop yield1.
Liquid Sodium Silicate, water glass, sodium silicate, chemical industry, construction industry, textile industry, oil industry, agricultural industry, silicon dioxide, sodium hydroxide
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